Awakening to the Power

of the WE Perspective -

Our Inner Jouney

"WE" is one of the simplest and shortest words we ever use.

It's also one of the most powerful.

"WE" signals belonging, safety, security, and connection. Our brains are hard-wired to receive and respond to this signal. Where "us" can be exclusive and dualistic, as in "us vs. them," WE is always inclusive, uniting, and endlessly scalable.

We're All In This Together

Our Internal WE

When we SHIFT from ME to WE in regard to our internal experience, we connect with ALL of our feelings, thoughts, sensations, and reflections. We release our focus on a single emotion, idea, or sensation, and we take in the complexity of our consciousness. This prevents any single emotion, idea, or sensation from dominating our awareness. We survey our mental and emotional landscape with a sense of appreciation and curiosity.

This is our Internal WE.

Exercise - The Inner Journey

When we SHIFT from ME to WE in regard to our internal experience, we connect with all our feelings, thoughts, sensations, and reflections. We release our laser focus on one of the things going on in our mind, we step back, and we take it all in. This is our internal WE.

So let’s take a moment to relax. Draw a few deep breaths. Let’s close our eyes if that helps us focus. Now we’re going to ask ourselves what thought, feeling, sensation, or reflection is foremost in our mind? Then we take a moment to sit with that dominant experience.


Now we SHIFT from ME to WE. As our perspective moves from a tight focus on a single thought or feeling, to a broad focus on everything we’re experiencing, we remind ourselves, “all these feelings, thoughts, sensations, and reflections are part of my WE.”


We’re all in this together: my feelings, my thoughts, my sensations, my reflections. I appreciate all these things without choosing one over all the others. For these few moments, we SHIFT from ME to WE.


We can take as long as we like to survey our inner landscape. We don’t need to dissect any of our experiences. Right now, it doesn’t matter why these experiences are present. It is enough to acknowledge that they are all a part of our WE. All of our experiences belong to this complex reality that is our consciousness.

Ready to Join the SHIFT Community?

Every purchase of the book, SHIFT from ME to WE, entitles the purchaser to join our Facebook community loaded with resources for making the SHIFT.

 Community members can engage with one another and with the authors as we continuously explore how to live into the WE perspective.

Everyone can make the SHIFT from ME to WE. And before long, everyone who makes the SHIFT will gain experience, strength, and hope valuable to others. We can't wait to hear about your experience and learn from you.

WE hope to see you soon!