Awakening to the Power

of the WE Perspective -

Living in Harmony

"WE" is one of the simplest and shortest words we ever use.

It's also one of the most powerful.

"WE" signals belonging, safety, security, and connection. Our brains are hard-wired to receive and respond to this signal. Where "us" can be exclusive and dualistic, as in "us vs. them," WE is always inclusive, uniting, and endlessly scalable.

We're All In This Together

Living in Harmony

When we SHIFT from ME to WE, we release our illusions in favor of reality. Most of us have spent our lives believing that we could separate everything into two categories: "ME" and "not ME." This is simply false; it is an illusion. Reality is unified--everything is connected. The WE perspective realigns us with reality. Everywhere we turn, we see our kin--be they friends or family, people or pets, plants or animals, living or inert. Everyone and everything we see is part of the great unfolding we call the universe.

The WE perspective brings us into harmony with reality.

Exercise - Harmony

Let’s take a moment to relax. Draw a few deep breaths. Let’s close our eyes for a few seconds if that helps us quiet or mind and focus. Now we’re going to open our eyes, look around, and ask ourselves what we see. We're not looking FOR anything, we're just taking in everything around us.


Now we SHIFT from ME to WE. Our perspective gradually moves from a tight focus on one thing after the next, and widens to take in everything at once. Our eyes cannot focus sharply on everything within our sight, so as we widen our awareness, our view of our surroundings softens and even blurs just a bit. We seldom take such a broad view of reality, so it can feel a bit strange. We accept our feelings at face value, breathe, and maintain a broad awareness of our surroundings.


Everywhere we look, we remind ourselves--we’re all in this together; we're all a part of something much bigger than ourselves. I appreciate everything and everyone around me, whether it seems appealing, uninteresting, or even revolting. My responses to anything or anyone else say little or nothing about them; they only reveal my limited perspective. Anytime my mind begins to categorize or judge, I very gently remind myself again: SHIFT from ME to WE.


We can take as long as we like to survey our outer landscape. We don’t need to dissect any of our experiences. Right now, all that matters is seeing as wide a view as we can manage. It is enough to acknowledge that everything we see is a part of our WE. Everyone and everything is part of a reality so vast, we only ever glimpse one small corner of it.

Ready to Join the SHIFT Community?

Every purchase of the book, SHIFT from ME to WE, entitles the purchaser to join our Facebook community loaded with resources for making the SHIFT.

 Community members can engage with one another and with the authors as we continuously explore how to live into the WE perspective.

Everyone can make the SHIFT from ME to WE. And before long, everyone who makes the SHIFT will gain experience, strength, and hope valuable to others. We can't wait to hear about your experience and learn from you.

WE hope to see you soon!